7.0 magnitude earthquake lasted 35 seconds on January 12, 2010 at 4:53:10 PM EST

Nearly 90% of Haiti's schools were damaged in the earthquake.
--UN Mission in Haiti

Overnight, Haiti lost 50% of its gross national product.
--Thirty Five Long Seconds

Over 60% of the city of Port-au-Prince was destroyed.
--Thirty Five Long Seconds

Today, there are no churches standing in Port-au-Prince.
--Thirty Five Long Seconds

Roughly 5000 schools were damaged and 4000 collapsed altogether. We lost about 500 teachers and 4000 students lost their lives.
--Joel Desrosiers Jean Pierre, Minister of Education, Thirty Five Long Seconds

The January 12 earthquake was the worst humanitarian disaster of modern times with the death toll reaching 300,000 people, another 250,000 wounded and 1,800,000 people in need of shelter.
--Embassy of the Republic of Haiti