Leisure Lady (with ocelots)

Shonibare has made a number of works engaged with leisure pursuits and their attendant associations of class, from his depiction of a British fox hunt to sculptures of exquisitely attired children and adults fishing, riding unicycles and walking on stilts--the latter a playful expression of their elevated social status. As the artist says, "To be in a position to engage in leisure pursuits, you need spare time and money buys you spare time. Whilst the leisure pursuit might look frivolous . . . my depiction of it is a way of engaging in that power."

Leisure Lady (with ocelots) features a "lady of leisure" promenading ostentatiously with her three leashed wild cats. Nineteenth-century fashionability, exoticism and the taming or subordination of nature are themes embodied in this work. It is no coincidence that the patterning on the Dutch wax costume worn by Shonibare's leisure lady features clocks--a symbol of time and its rich abundance.