The children of Haiti lost their childhood as they woke up in the aftermath of the deadly earthquake.
--Elisabeth D. Préval, First Lady of the Republic of Haiti

The one thing we take away is really the strength and resilience of the human spirit. --Jill Biden, Ph.D.
© The Miami Herald, 2010

The healing seed for satisfaction, freedom and true expression of their feelings.
--Philippe Dodard, Haitian artist

. . . the discipline that the Haitians displayed warrants a salute, it was exemplary.
--René Garcia Préval, President of Haiti, Thirty Five Long Seconds

The effects of the quake were clearly visible on Port-au-Prince . . . over 60% of the city was destroyed.
--Thirty Five Long Seconds

A powerful earthquake demolished Haiti's pride. In 35 long seconds, the National Palace tumbled down.
--Thirty Five Long Seconds

The educational sector was deeply affected . . .
--Joel Desrosiers Jean Pierre, Minister of Education, Thirty Five Long Seconds