Femme Sérère (Serer woman)
Moustapha Dimé
1952­1998, Senegal
Wood, metal
Gift of Marcia and Irwin Hersey, 2004-15-1

Female figure with child
Asante peoples, Ghana
Late 19th to mid-20th century
Wood, pigment, glass beads
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold J. Alderman, 2001-22-1

Female figure (akua ba)
Osei Bonsu
1900­1977, Ghana
c. 1960
Wood, glass beads
Gift of Herbert C. Madison, 2001-17-1

Ekonda peoples, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Late 19th to early 20th century
Copper alloy
Gift of Arnold and Joanne Syrop, 2002-20-1