Memorial Staff: Asen
Fon/Hweda/Yoruba peoples, town of Ouidah,
Republic of Benin
Attributed artist: Akati Akpele Kendo, Master of the Long-Horned Ram (fl. 1858-89)
Wrought iron, raffia, wood, organic materials
Gift of Françoise Billion Richardson, 89.257 (cat. 31)
Egungun Masquerade Dance Costume:
Ekuu Egungun
Early 20th century
Yoruba peoples, Oyo region, Nigeria
Cloth, metallic thread, glass beads, cowrie shells
Museum purchase: Friends of Ethnographic Art Fund, 92.54 (cat. 44)
Veranda Post: Opo Ile
c. 1910-1914
Yoruba peoples, palace of the Ogoga, city of Ikerre, Ekiti region, Nigeria
Carver: Olowe of Ise (c. 1875-1938)
Wood, polychrome
Museum purchase: Ella West Freeman Matching Fund, 70.20 (cat. 33)
Leopard-Head Hip Ornament:
16th-19th century
Edo peoples, Benin Kingdom, Nigeria
Brass, iron
Gift of Françoise Billion Richardson in memory of her sister Armande Billion, 90.32 (cat. 53)