The selection of artworks from the National Museum of Ethnology, Lisbon, starts with objects from western and central Africa to give visitors a glimpse of the range of African art found in the collection. From western Africa are two masks of the Baga, Nalu, Pukur, Buluñits or Landuma peoples from Guinea, a hammerhead shark mask from the Bissagos Islands (which politically belongs to Guinea-Bissau) and two masks of the Dan peoples from Côte d’Ivoire. From central Africa are a face mask of the Fang peoples from Equatorial Guinea; a helmet mask of the Suku peoples, a face mask of the Matapa or Kongo-Dinga peoples and a doll of the Ambo peoples, all from Angola; and a caryatid stool of the Luba peoples from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Many masks serve to incarnate supernatural beings; some are worn at initiation ceremonies. The Luba stool is linked to royalty.