Wrapped in Pride: Ghanaian Kente and African American Identity


Website created by the following staff members of the National Museum of African Art:

Paul Glenshaw, design and programming
Migs Grove, editor
Veronika Jenke, assistant curator of education
Franko Khoury, photographer
Peter Pipim, education specialist

Pronunciation: Peter Pipim, Divine Sewornu
Models: Peter Pipim, Sherrie White

Photo credits

Wrapper, EJ10590, photograph by Alastair Lamb, between 1965 - 1970

Wrapper, EJ10702, photograph by Alastair Lamb, between 1965 - 1970

Weaver Drawing by Jo Moore

Wrapper, EJ10588, photograph by Alastair Lamb, between 1965 - 1970

Selecting kente cloth: Photographs by Harold Dorwin, 1997

Wedding Wrapper, EJ10589, photography by Alastair Lamb between 1965 - 1970

Dr. K. A. Busia and Victoria Naa-Morkor Bruce in Oxford, at their wedding in England, 1950. Photographer unknown

Marriage of Abena P. A. Busia and Yeofi Sackey in New Brunswick, N.J., June 1998 Photograph by Segun Oyekunle

Wedding Party photograph by Mr. Ansah

Groom photograph by Mr. Ansah

Inauguration Wrapper, EJ10583 photograph by Alastair Lamb between 1965 - 1970

All other photographs by Harold Dorwin, 1997

All other photographs by Franko Khoury